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What internet speed do I need for my home?
What Internet Speed Do I Need for My Home? With so many NBN Plans and home internet providers to choose from, it can be hard to know what internet speed you need for your home. You don’t want to end up paying for more than you need – or worse, not having enough speed to […]

What’s the right age for your child’s first mobile phone?
What’s the Right Age for Your Child’s First Mobile Phone? In a world where kids using technology at a very young age, the question of when to give your child their first mobile phone is becoming increasingly relevant. Some parents opt for higher data mobile plans so their kids can use apps like Snapchat and […]

Have you noticed an increase in your mobile data usage lately? Here’s why and how to reduce it.
Your mobile phone can use data far more quickly than you would expect. This is because many mobile apps continue to run in the background even when they are not being used, which causes mobile data usage. Running out of mobile data can be expensive and inconvenient, and is more likely to occur if you don’t know how to stop mobile apps from running in the background.

Staying socially connected in times of social distancing
Since social distancing started, it has been hard for many of us to figure out how to keep in touch with our family and friends when we can’t physically see them.

Is your mobile device secure? Here’s our top password tips to help protect your data
Our mobile phones have become a vital extension of ourselves, holding so much of our personal information – from photos and contacts, to your tap and payment methods. We place our whole life into our phones with critical personal data that would be devastating if it fell into the wrong hands.

Cure your board-dom with our board game suggestions
A sure source of fun for various generations, the ability to play board games digitally has proven to be a great way to connect with family and friends, no matter where they are in the world.

Do you remember the good old days of customer service?
We don’t always realise it, but customer service plays a larger role than we anticipate in our everyday life. Whether it’s at the shops or over the phone, any form of ‘service’ is always much more pleasant and gives a positive feeling when done right.

Switching Telcos is now easier than ever!
If you were going to create a list of fun things to do, we doubt that ‘switching telco providers’ would make it on the list. Often thought of as a stressful and frustrating process, many people simply don’t switch providers for the fear of it being too complicated, too time-consuming or not worth the hassle of just saving a few dollars.
Interesting reads
Some interesting reads that we have found on the web